• About Us

    Steel Horse machine,is a collection of machine development, testing, production, sales and integration of joint-stock enterprises. Enterprises with an annual output of 20,000 sets of various types of machine. Our company was founded in 1990, in 1995 we shareholding system reform, found “Steel Horse Machine” brand.
    As a professional metal processing machine and equipment manufacturers, rely on good corporate culture, good working environment, and improve incentives for innovation and personnel training mechanism to attract a number of talented aspiring talent and common development. Determined to a large number of existing machinery, machine tools for many years engaged in research and development of senior engineers and technicians.

Products Made By Steel Horse

Production experience,all the products in the implementation of the corresponding international standards, national standards, industry standards, based on, has introduced advanced equipment manufacturing technology Taiwan, Europe and the developed countries, with the design, machining, assembly, painting full production capacity.

    1. Vmc850 Metal CNC Milling Machine Center

      Good rigidity: guide of a widened span for the machine body with high rigidity and great ability of shock absorption.

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    1. XH7132 Vertical Machining Center

      The vertical machining center can be applied to many fields such as mechanical processing and mould manufacturing, can adapt from roughing to finishing processing requirements, has the characteristics of high precision, high efficiency, is widely used in aerospace, military industry, mould, automobile, internal combustion engines, textile machinery, chemical machinery processing, oil, electronics and other industries.

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    1. VMC650 CNC Vertical Machining Center

      The vertical machining center can be applied to many fields such as mechanical processing and mould manufacturing, can adapt from roughing to finishing processing requirements, has the characteristics of high precision, high efficiency, is widely used in aerospace, military industry, mould, automobile, internal combustion engines, textile machinery, chemical machinery processing, oil, electronics and other industries.

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    1. VMC1270 Vertical Machining Center
    2. VMC1270 Vertical Machining Center

      This VMC is suitable for mechanical processing and mold making. And it can asapt to the processing requirement from rough machining to finish machining. It can also finish many working procedures like milling, drilling, tapping, boring, etc.

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    1. Xh2425 Double Column CNC Gantry Boring and Milling Machine Center
    2. Xh2425 Double Column CNC Gantry Boring and Milling Machine Center

      1. Extremely rigid and stable structure, the oversized column combined with box type beam construction features additional machine rigidity. 2. The slant beam construction with increased slide way surfaces efficiently upgrades force distribution area this results in greater stability.

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    1. XK6132 CNC Milling Machine
    2. XK6132 CNC Milling Machine

      Horizontal lifting platform milling machine is available on a variety of cylindrical milling cutter, wafer type milling cutter, angle cutter, molding cutter and milling processing of various plane, inclined plane, such as grooves.

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